HAVEN Sales Center
HAVEN Sales Center
United Arab Emirates
Aug 09, 2023
INTJ Studio
INTJ Studio
Majdolin Khawaja
INTJ Studio
Project Requirements

The HAVEN Sales Center project aims to create a visually immersive and accurate representation of the current state of joinery and furniture within the designated space. The project involves building 3D furniture models based on provided drawings and incorporating them into the existing space. All furniture items and materials will be meticulously constructed to match the given renders and models, ensuring a cohesive and realistic representation.

Key Objectives:
  1. 3D Furniture Modeling: Develop detailed 3D models of furniture pieces according to provided drawings, ensuring accuracy and adherence to specifications.
  2. Integration into Space: Seamlessly integrate the modeled furniture into the existing space, considering spatial constraints and design aesthetics.

Material Accuracy: Utilize appropriate materials and textures to replicate the appearance of the furniture and joinery as depicted in the given renders and models.


Realism and Cohesion: Maintain a high level of realism and coherence throughout the visualization to provide an immersive experience for viewers.

Scope of Work:

Client Satisfaction: Ensure that the final output meets the expectations and requirements of the client, delivering a compelling visualization of the sales center.

  • Analyze provided drawings and reference materials to understand the design intent and specifications for the furniture and joinery.
  • Develop 3D models of each furniture piece, paying close attention to dimensions, proportions, and intricate details.
  • Incorporate the furniture models into the existing 3D space, arranging them according to the layout provided.
  • Apply realistic materials and textures to the furniture and joinery, matching the appearance depicted in the given renders and models.
  • Fine-tune lighting, shadows, and reflections to enhance the realism of the visualization.
  • Conduct thorough quality checks to ensure accuracy and consistency across all elements of the scene.
  • Collaborate with the client to address any feedback or revisions and make necessary adjustments to meet their expectations.
  • Deliver the final 3D visualization of the HAVEN Sales Center, ready for presentation and marketing purposes.

By meticulously crafting 3D furniture models and accurately representing the joinery within the sales center, this project aims to provide a compelling visual representation that effectively showcases the space and its potential. Through attention to detail and adherence to client requirements, the HAVEN Sales Center will be presented in a manner that captivates and engages its audience, facilitating the sales process and promoting the envisioned design concept.
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